Interface boards are user-operated boards that allow the user to directly interact with the chart recorder. The interface board of a chart recorder gives the user control over what is being recorded and how many variables are being recorded in appropriate chart recording devices. This is achieved through providing several buttons for interface navigation, and a digital readout screen.
In more traditional styles of chart recorders without a large capacity for digital input, there are less options for user interaction. Typically, this type of interface board provides basic options that allow the user to complete the following: start the recording process, view error notes, calibrate the chart recorder, and set alarms. These interface boards are smaller than paperless interface boards, though they accomplish the recording process effectively when running properly.
Digital data logging systems and software for chart recording offer a wider range of tools that the user can utilize. Depending on the variant of chart recorder, the interface board on paperless systems are larger and easier to read, increasing its user-friendly quality. These interface boards also allow the user to decide which data they want to track when considering trends, and what they want out of a report of their data. Digital interfaces allow for applications such as QuadView to be utilized in conjunction with the typical recording process.
Interface boards can malfunction because of electrical shorts, damage, or old age. Issues that arise with any interface board should be addressed with a technician. Most boards are attached directly to the chart recorder and require direct disassembly by a professional to avoid further damage.