August 3, 2020
If you’re an essential industry and you’re facing equipment failures during the pandemic, you might presume your only option is to buy a replacement. But you’d be wrong—and you’ll pay dearly for that decision.
First—due to the pandemic, other companies may be suffering from production and supply line shortfalls. It could take longer than expected to get your replacement, eating into your revenue in the meantime. Second—you may be looking at a simple fix, and replacements always cost more than repairs.
Here’s the good news: Rochester Industrial Services, Inc. is fully functional, and we can repair your failing equipment in record time. We’ll start with a “virtual repair” call to see if we can guide you through repairs by phone or video. If we can’t just ship it to us for expedited repairs and fast turnaround!
Don’t waste money on replacement parts you don’t really need. Call Rochester Industrial Services, Inc. today at 1.888.349.4638.